Your Giving is Making a Difference!

Embracing God's teachings leads to a beautiful transformation within us. The motivation for giving ought to be love for God. We should give cheerfully as an act of worship to the Lord.

As you prepare for membership in this assembly, we want you to experience the blessing of being obedient to His word. Put God first in all areas of your life including your finances and watch Him bless you that you won’t have room to contain it.


The word tithe means “a tenth.” Abraham was the first person to give a tithe in the Old Testament. The Bible tells us that the tithe belongs to the Lord, not the church. Of course God does not need the money, but He knows that tithing is a measure of our spiritual condition.

Around here, we want God to have our whole heart. That includes our finances! So, we teach and fully believe that we should honor God as our first priority in our hearts by giving the first 10% of our income. This supports the operation of our church which helps us keep the facilities functioning and our doors open to serve our community.

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